The main document for the ownership of the real estate in Egypt is the General Power of Attorney — Taukil, which is issued by the seller of real estate to the buyer and is not subject to revocation. Taukil transfers the acquired property in Egypt to the new owner in full possession and disposal and is not retroactive.
In such a power of attorney, passport and some other data of the owner (including his powers), as well as data about the property itself, are entered. That is why Taukil can be used not only in transactions with the purchase and sale but for example, to extend a visa, since you can present this document in confirmation of your right to ownership of the real estate in Egypt. The inheritance, donation, and resale of a property in Egypt is based on Taukil, it is the main document in these transactions with real estate.
When purchasing a property on the secondary market, the last owner must have all Taukili in his hands from all the owners of this property who were before him.
Taukil has a standardized form, developed and approved by law, it cannot be changed or supplemented at will. No contestation of this document is possible.
Taukil is valid only in the Arab Republic of Egypt and is therefore written exclusively in Arabic. But any licensed Egyptian translation center can order a translation of Taukil into another language.
If for some reason your General Power of Attorney (Taukil) has been lost, you may be given a notarized copy of this document, since the number and date of issue of Taukil are entered in the unified state register and are kept in state archives for a long time.
The procedure for issuing Taukil. This document is only issued by a notary public of the Republic. The application for the issuance of Taukil is submitted by the seller of the real estate, and only after the conclusion of the transaction and the signing of the sales contract, the Taukil is issued to the buyer. The issuance of Taukil implies one hundred percent payment for the acquired property and the completion of all other obligations stipulated in the sales contract between the seller and the buyer. If the real estate is purchased in installments, Taukil is issued only after the end of the last payment.
If the owner wishes to transfer the rights to dispose of his property to a third party, then in this case a regular General Power of Attorney is drawn up. The difference between this document and Taukil is that based on Taukil, only and exclusively the owner himself can dispose of the property. No third parties will be able to use your taukil in any transactions with your property. The general power of attorney for third parties to whom you delegate your authority for operations with your real estate is issued by the same authority as Taukil, the Shahr El Alkari State Institution. This document specifies only those rights to which you extend the powers for your authorized representative. Therefore, a situation in which a document fell into the wrong hands as a result of loss, theft, or other circumstances is not so terrible. The rights to dispose of the property are exclusively owned by the owner, whose information and passport data are indicated in the Taukil along with information about the property and the owner’s powers.
For any questions regarding the PURCHASE and selection of real estate in Hurghada, you can always consult with our specialists who have the latest information and will help you make the right choice
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