When the question arises of buying an apartment in Hurghada for a family, with a small budget, then most often a one-bedroom apartment is considered. Agree, it’s hard to imagine that parents and a child, 13 years old, can normally live in an apartment without a separate bedroom. Moreover, in puberty, a teenager wants his own space, at least just to be alone. And this, not to mention the parents, who also want to be alone, without the watching eyes of their beloved child. Of course, when choosing a one-bedroom apartment, families focus primarily on the price of real estate, but the layout will also play an important role. For example, most people want an apartment with a balcony, or with a spacious kitchen, or a normal corridor, so that in addition to a wardrobe, there is still room left so that they can make a small hallway for three residents to put on.
Unfortunately, the layouts in Hurghada sometimes leave much to be desired, and when choosing a new home, you have to put up with something, either with a higher cost, or with a less comfortable Egyptian layout. But if you still want to find a balance, then you should contact the specialists.
One-bedroom apartment in resale
You can buy a one-bedroom apartment in the secondary market of Hurghada, starting from $ 12,000 — $15,000. But this apartment will not be located somewhere on the outskirts and in a house whose condition is poor, but in a nice house with a swimming pool not far from the sea. One bedroom apartments directly in the city center in closed compounds start at $20,000. Why is it good to acquire such an apartment on the secondary housing market? Well, firstly, it is an opportunity to immediately call in and live, especially if the apartment is in good condition and does not require global repairs and additional investments. Also a significant plus will be the settled life of neighbors who, unlike apartments in new buildings, will not drill, break and build from all sides for the next two years. Another parameter (far from the last) when choosing an apartment in Hurghada is the choice of the area and the distance from the sea. 80% of buyers want to buy an apartment as close to the beach as possible and sometimes they are even ready to overpay a little for the option they like. But it also happens that people choose an area without being tied to the beach, for various reasons, for example, closer to work or to someone close, then in addition to the above parameter, infrastructure will not be of last importance.
One bedroom apartment in a new building
If you have time and a certain amount of free funds — an excellent solution would be to purchase an apartment in Hurghada in a new building. This is very important in the case when you already have your own apartment or have the opportunity to rent an apartment during construction. In this case, you have a great chance to buy an apartment in a new building without much prejudice to yourself in anything. Moreover, at the initial stage, the apartment will cost much less than at the stage of completion of construction and delivery of the house. Layouts in new apartments are much more convenient than layouts in secondary housing, especially in old city buildings.
One-bedroom apartments in new buildings are still popular in Hurghada, so the best options go away when sales start. The most important thing when buying an apartment in a new building is to choose the right developer, so as not to get into long-term construction or, even worse, not to become a defrauded shareholder. Therefore, when choosing a new building, it will not be superfluous to consult with an experienced real estate agent. As an outsider, he can advise a construction company and even help sort out the offers and promotions that firms periodically conduct. For example, interest-free installments.
Rent one-bedroom apartment
Buying an apartment in Hurghada is not always justified, sometimes it is much more reasonable to rent an apartment. Let’s look at when this is justified:
— if your stay in the city has a clearly limited period. (for example, buying an apartment knowing that you will only live in it for a month of the year is quite reckless)
— when you know that you will change your job or place of residence, and you need to move;
— if you have come to Hurghada and are not yet sure that you will stay here forever or will often come on vacation.
There are many more situations when renting an apartment in Hurghada will be more profitable than buying, because the effort and money spent will not pay off.
It is quite simple to rent an apartment with one bedroom, but you must always remember that in many ways you will depend on the landlord, therefore, about all the nuances, such as visits to the apartment by the owner, the property left (or not), terms and amount of rent and utility services must be agreed immediately in the contract and in the annex to it, all these points should be written clearly, understandably and unambiguously. It will also be very useful to draw up an inventory of the transferred property and its condition.
An important point is utility bills. Some landlords find it more convenient to pay all the mime and communal already included in the rental price, while others prefer to get clean money, not bothering to walking on payment institutions.
It is also very often landlords like to take a pledge — this amount of rent for one month, in case if the tenant moves out of the apartment without warning. So by signing a lease for an apartment in Hurghada, do not be lazy to read it completely carefully and, if necessary, to make an additional agreement.
For any questions regarding the PURCHASE and selection of real estate in Hurghada, you can always consult with our specialists who have up-to-date information and help you make the right choice
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