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History of Christianity in Egypt

The Holy Family came to Egypt about two thousand years ago, hiding from the persecution of the insane ruler of Palestine — King Herod. Egypt had already hosted many prophets such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and Jeremiah along with the tribes of Israel, but the greatest blessing was marked when Jesus came here with his mother the Virgin Mary and remained here until Herod’s death. A quarter of a century later, a young Jewish preacher wandering in Galilee, Jesus of Nazareth, begins to deliver his amazing sermons and gains unprecedented popular support, gaining a reputation as the most influential prophet of that time. Some followers of Jesus call themselves his disciples and claim that he is the long-awaited messiah, Christ.

According to historical information, the new teaching came to Egypt in the middle of the 1st century, during the reign of Emperor Nero, it was brought by one of the apostles of Jesus Christ — St. Mark. Christianity was welcomed here with enthusiasm, as elsewhere, where ancient civilization failed to provide people with a decent life. The natural basis for the propaganda of the new faith was the presence in Alexandria of a significant Jewish colony. The Jewish poor find expressions like «the first will be the last and the last will be the first» compelling. In fact, the first to be baptized in Egypt was a Jewish shoemaker from Alexandria.

It is not easy to answer the question of why the Egyptians, with their unique civilization, accepted the divinity of Jesus. The rapid spread of the new faith was undoubtedly accelerated by the conditions in which Egypt was under Roman rule. Emperor Octavian Augustus turned Egypt into a Roman colony and, having dispersed the Senate in Alexandria, deprived the Greco-Macedonian ruling elite of administrative power. The institution of the consecration of the monarchy, an essential characteristic of Egyptian society during the time of the pharaohs, which was supported by the Ptolemaic dynasty, ceased to exist. The Roman governors ruled Egypt without asking for the blessing of the priests, and the prestige of the Egyptian priests plummeted. Egypt became the fiefdom of the emperor, a place of recreation and entertainment for the highest Roman society. The Romans imposed huge taxes on the population and, in effect, turned Egypt into a granary supplying wheat to Rome. They recruited Egyptians into the Roman army to fight and die in endless wars in other countries. The Egyptians had no influence in their own country and felt like second-class people. An atmosphere of general disappointment, humiliation and discrimination reigned among them. The silence of the oracles contributed to the formation of spiritual emptiness, where the past was out of memory and the future — without hope. This was the void that Christianity filled. People readily greeted the doctrine that gave them the hope of salvation, brotherhood, and mercy. The body of earlier pagan beliefs paved the way for the Christian message. Belief in the afterlife and the efficacy of prayer, forgiveness of sins, the rite of baptism and purification with water — all this was in Egypt a thousand years before Christianity. And after losing their independence, the Egyptians continued to believe in an all-encompassing cosmic order that governs humanity. Christianity responded to their religious traditions with the cult of Osiris and Isis as prototypes of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. It returned them again to the home altar, the priests, the heavenly hierarchy of angels and God as Father and Creator of order.

At first, the spread of the new faith in this region of the Roman Empire was perceived by the authorities calmly. The pagan religion of the Romans was associated with success, the pagan gods promised victory in the war, good harvests, good luck in love and marriage, the birth of sons and daughters. In the Roman Empire, it seemed natural to make sacrifices and smoke incense to the divine Caesars, no matter how hideous their tyranny was. Popular enthusiasm extended divine honors to heroes such as dead athletes and boxers, and even horses — Olympic champions! Defeat, famine, failure, sterility, civil unrest were considered a sign of the dislike of the gods. The traditional religion of ancient Rome was a public cult, and refusal to participate in it was considered disloyalty with all the ensuing consequences. For Egyptian Christians, the demand to deify an emperor, who was generally of dubious moral character, was offensive, and they shied away from sacrifice. St. Mark was killed in 62 in Alexandria, when openly protesting against pagan rituals. Christians, however, did everything to convince people not to follow the customs of their fathers, Jews and non-Jews, and thereby destroyed the monolithic society. The universal and perfect God of the Christian religion was very different from the numerous and unpredictable gods of Olympus, who had limited power and local significance. The young Church encouraged piety, repentance, the equality of women, condemned suicide, preached the rejection of idolatry, pagan eroticism and incest. While polytheism, with its permissiveness, embraced the entire ancient society, the moral rigor of the new religion and Christian ethics significantly limited the participation of Christians in certain types of professional activity, which led to some separation of believers from society. A true Christian could not contemplate the profession of a teacher, since this involved the study of literature and philosophy imbued with pagan ideals. Acting and dancing were also considered suspicious pursuits, and any involvement in magic was completely unacceptable. Violence was seen as incompatible with the ethics of the Kingdom of God, and therefore Christians had difficulties with military service. The “bad behavior” of Christians, as the emperor Hadrian described it in 130, was later realized by the authorities: Christians refused to worship the almighty divine emperor and prayed to their only god — poor and persecuted Jesus, moreover, Christian communities united against the attempts of Rome to impose official paganism. However, persecution of Christians in that transitional period was still rare, and the young teaching developed successfully. The mainstay of religious science during the early Christian period was the theological college in Alexandria. Patriarch Clement (160-215) headed it for 20 years. «In the beginning was the Word, and that word was God.» All early Christian literature was written in Greek. For many centuries before Christ, the official languages in Egypt were Greek and Egyptian, and Greek was used more widely, as it was much easier to study and read than Egyptian hieroglyphs. About 750-656 BC scientists began to translate the Egyptian phonemes into the Greek alphabet, and this required the addition of eight characters of the Egyptian letter to it in order to convey those sounds for which there were no Greek letters. The language transformed in this way began to be called Coptic. The word «Copts» meant «Egyptians» and came from the Greek name of the country — Ayguptos, that is, Egypt. Under Clemente, the psalms and selected chapters from the New Testament were translated from Greek into Coptic, making the Scriptures available to most Egyptians. Clement wrote commentaries on the Bible and a number of theological treatises condemning the absurd behavior of the pagan gods of Olympus. More relevant, however, was a treatise called «The Salvation of a Rich Man,» delicately touching upon a problem to which business people were very sensitive. The problem of wealth worried wealthy Christians, and they interpreted literally the commandment of Jesus Christ to rich young people who were looking for salvation, «to sell everything that you have and give to the poor.» In response to these interpretations, Clement argued that «the Word of God does not command us to give up wealth, but only to dispose of it in a dignified manner.» The wise patriarch believed in the bloodless arrival of true faith. But in vain did Clement hoped for a peaceful and calm transition from paganism to Christianity. The new faith was already advancing with a double-edged sword that would blow the ancient world apart, and here in Egypt it had already struck a blow at the Hellenized elite with its hybrid gods invented by the Ptolemies. Christianity declared war on the two greatest forces — the state and sex, and the old order during this complex confrontation was on the verge of extinction. Together with the entire Roman Empire, Alexandria plunged into a whirlpool of civil and religious turmoil. Clement himself in 203 was forced to flee to Palestine, hiding from the persecution of Emperor Septimius Severus. Barbarians attacked the borders of an empire shaken by internal unrest. The emperors’ difficulties were compounded by religious problems, but the Senate in Rome continued to declare them gods.

The first reliable documents testifying to the official persecution of Christians in Egypt date back to the middle of the 3rd century. Under the emperor Decius (r. 249-251), people were required to that they participate in traditional pagan rituals in the presence of Roman officers and present certificates with oath assurances of sacrifices. Those who refused were tortured. Some took false oaths and threw several grains on the pagan altars as proof. Although thousands died on the verdict of the court and the vigilance committees, there were some that survived and continued their work. But these pogroms were not comparable to the Great Persecution unleashed by Diocletian. In 284, the Roman army elected him emperor, and the catastrophic conditions in which the empire found itself made it necessary to carry out unpopular reforms, reminiscent of War Communism. Latin was introduced as the official language in Egypt. Diocletian sought in this way to strengthen the Roman Empire, but the Egyptians desperately resisted. The Emperors declared Christians a destructive element and considered it best to get rid of them. Egyptian Christians (Copts) were dismissed from government posts, their property was confiscated, houses were demolished, and copies of Scripture were burned. Many were tortured and killed, churches were banned and destroyed. The ancient martyrology has 144 thousand martyrs for the faith over 9 years! The persecutions were inhuman, women and children were killed under monstrous torture. The Egyptian Christian Church did not perish as a result of persecution, but began to keep its chronology not from the birth of Christ, but from the so-called era of martyrs (284).

The result of the Great Persecution was the rapid rise of the monastic movement, the idea and philosophy of which originated in Egypt. In search of moral improvement and salvation from persecution, people with spiritual inclinations went into the desert, where the spirit of martyrdom grew. When St. Paul (228-343) and St. Anthony (251-356), the first two well-known spiritual leaders of monasticism, devoted their lives to meditation and prayer on the deserted coast of the Red Sea, many following their example. In the 3rd century, already thousands of hermits leading an ascetic lifestyle lived separately or in small groups in the catacombs and caves of Sinai. St. Anthony gave his disciples two simple principles of monastic life: prayer and labor. Hermit leaders may have been of simple descent, like St. Paul, but could also belong to the upper class of landowners, like St. Anthony, at the age of twenty, gave away his property to the poor and retired into the desert. As the Desert Fathers grew in reputation, their followers grew in number. Countless pilgrims have visited the hermits and imitated their spiritual orderly life. The activities of the Christian church led to the creation of new social formations — monasteries that provided not only spiritual refuge for those who heeded the divine call, but also physical safety, peace and protection from the dominance of tax collectors and the lawlessness of the Roman army. Many monks were important public figures. Thus, one of the greatest Egyptian spiritual leaders was St. Pachomius (292-346) The Pachomius monasteries located in Upper Egypt had bakeries, reservoirs, workshops and shops. Pachomius introduced a strict daily routine, he emphasized that a healthy mind is found in a healthy body, he believed that there should be a measure in everything, even in prayers. His goal was to create godly, enlightened and economically self-sufficient communities that set an example for others.

The persecution of Christians ended under the emperor Constantine (280-337). Constantine’s adherence to Christianity is entirely related to his ascent to the pinnacle of power. In 312, Emperor Constantine — full name Flavius Valerius Constantine — won the civil war. On the eve of the decisive battle, he saw a vision of the shining cross of Jesus against the background of the sun and the words «With this sign you will overcome.» The miraculous symbol was knocked out on the shields of the soldiers, the battle was won with minimal chances of success, and throughout his life Emperor Constantine carried the conviction that he owed his victories to the conversion to Christianity and the support of the Christian God. The Edict of Milan in 313 legalized the principles of religious tolerance and formally recognized Christianity as one of the religions officially allowed in the Roman Empire. Finally, it became safe to be a Christian, and many monks, including St. Anthony, came out of their caves and catacombs to build churches and monasteries. The property of the Church was restored, the building of churches at the expense of public funds was encouraged, Christian priests were exempted from taxes, civil and military service. Constantine built a great many churches throughout the empire, including the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, legalized church property, and instituted free supplies of food for the church. Pagan persecution has stopped, and the controversy over the nature of Christ, because of which so much blood will be shed, has not yet flared up. The number of believers has increased significantly, especially among the middle and upper class. It seemed that under the spiritual guidance of the renewed Church, the old world would enter the new without misfortunes and catastrophes. All of Egypt is already ripe for Christianity, but for which one? Disagreements arose. The controversy revolved around the concepts of «Father» and «Son». What began as an academic theological debate threatened to split across the empire. The first conflict arose between the patriarchs of Alexandria Athanasius and Arius. The disagreement between them turned out to be so irreconcilable that Constantine was forced to intervene and begged his fellow Christians to become like the Greek philosophers who knew how to argue without bloodshed. Nobody heeded. Arius stubbornly stood his ground: Jesus was of a different nature than the Father, he was created in time and, therefore, could not be divine in any way. And Emperor Constantine, Arius believed, this brave warrior with the heart of a lion, so easily let himself be confused. And there was a grave danger that he would officially establish the wrong type of Christianity, which would plunge the world into heresy for a thousand years!

The Reverend Athanasius, an uncompromising opponent of the Arian heresy, insisted that the Father and the Son are of one divine nature. How difficult it was! The Ecumenical Council at Nicea in 325, in the presence of the Emperor Constantine and 310 bishops, denounced the doctrine of Arius and declared him a heretic. The venerable elder St. Antony was also present and fiercely argued with Arius. The triumphant Athanasius returned to Alexandria in triumph and found there … Arius preaching his heresy as if nothing had happened! Such was the will of Constantine! The emperor feared that the division of the Church would offend the Christian God and divine retribution would fall upon the Roman Empire and Constantine himself. Various attempts by the emperor to find a compromise solution did not lead to anything. The implacable defender of Christian orthodoxy persecuted Arius with such force that it was the turn of Athanasius to be expelled from Alexandria. He was expelled five times, and each time after another exile, Arius became the patriarch of Alexandria and continued to deny the divinity of Jesus! Disputes did not stop, mountains of paper were plagued. The Temple of Cleopatra was the first to fall under the onslaught of truth. The Arians and the Orthodox have competed so hard for its consecration for six years that the ruins of the temple burned down in flames!

The Alexandrian Church received the second blow when Constantine in 330 founded a new capital — Constantinople — in opposition to pagan Rome. His refusal to take part in the pagan procession offended the Romans, who did not want to part with the former gods, and after that the emperor never returned there. Constantinople — the eastern analogue of the former capital, the «second Rome» — is ideally located on the site of the Greek colony Byzantium on the Bosphorus. The divorce of the emperors from Rome lasted for almost a hundred years. Rome and Alexandria lost their prestige and political significance. Geographical changes were accompanied by religious changes: the new city turned into a real Christian capital. Its magnificent churches shone with masterpieces far more beautiful than in Alexandria and anywhere else. Constantinople became the metropolis of Greek science and art, the center of Christian learning. The authority of Alexandria was seriously undermined. This was an era when religious dignitaries drove each other out, and the mobs robbed the churches of the warring parties. Under Theodosius I (r. 379-395), the Arian heresy was finally branded, orthodox Christianity was proclaimed the only religion, and the Eastern Roman Empire, after the capture of Rome by the Visigoths, began to be called the Byzantine Empire. Drastic measures were taken against the pagans, culminating in the order of Theodosius banning, under threat of high treason charges, all forms of pagan cults of a private and public nature, including the Olympic Games. In 385 pagan temples were closed and sacrifices to Zeus were prohibited. The Christian Church, encouraged by Constantinople, began to dominate state institutions and worldly life, and gained unprecedented political power in all regions of the Byzantine Empire. The head of the Egyptian Church, the Patriarch of Alexandria, becomes the most influential figure in Egypt. The powers of the patriarchs significantly exceeded the power of the Byzantine governors and their garrisons sent from Constantinople. In reality, Egypt was ruled by the patriarch of Alexandria and his army of monks. Christianity, officially adopted, was introduced in many cases forcibly, and the monks used every opportunity to settle scores with the pagans, attacking them under the leadership of the patriarchs during divine services and destroying the Ptolemaic temples in which the adherents of the former faith were hiding. By order of Emperor Theodosius I in 391, the famous Alexandrian library was destroyed by the monks, and a Christian monastery was erected on this place. The fanaticism of Christians in the name of the triumph of orthodoxy was not so different from the vicious excesses that Christianity itself was once subjected to. In one of the pogroms in 415, Hypatia, a Neoplatonist philosopher, mathematician and astronomer, was killed. She aroused the enmity of Christians, as she had an extraordinary influence on the civil prefect of Alexandria. Father Cyril, the patriarch of Alexandria, wanted nothing more than to get rid of Hypatia. A savage black army of monks filled the streets of Alexandria, intent on performing holy acts before retreating to their monasteries, and met Hypatia on her way from the lecture. It was literally torn apart by fanatical defenders of the Christian faith. But under the guise of religious passions, racial prejudices were hidden: the monks killed Hypatia not because she was a sinner, but because she was Greek. They had reason enough to hate the Greeks ever since the haughty Ptolemies ruled Egypt. Greek culture in Alexandria began to decline. And as soon as the theological formula was found through which the Copts expressed themselves, religious disobedience to Constantinople broke out. The obvious pretext was one of the doctrines. If the holy fathers of the 4th century argued over the relationship between the Father and the Son, then in the 5th century they faced the problem of the relationship of two substances — bodily and spiritual — in Jesus Christ himself. Coptic theologians from Alexandria recognized only the spiritual incarnation of Jesus after his death, and their monophysical heresy became the second great heresy in the Eastern Empire. A rupture proved inevitable after the Council of Chalcedony in 451. The Ecumenical Council demonstrated Byzantium’s determination to put pressure on the ecclesiastical authorities in Egypt and Egypt’s equal determination to disobey. Patriarch Dioscurus became the first hero of the early schism of the Byzantine Church, after rejecting all attempts at compromise. The Council of Chalcedony expelled Dioscurus and denounced his monophysical doctrine. The refusal of the Alexandrian Orthodox to ratify the doctrine of Constantinople led to the separation of Egyptian Christians from the Byzantine and Roman churches. From that moment on, the Greeks in Egypt could breathe freely, but Alexandria was ruled by two patriarchs. One of them, of Greek origin, was officially appointed by Constantinople, adhered to the prescriptions of Chalcedony and received the largest part of the church’s income. But he had no spiritual power over the Egyptians, for them he remained a hated Greek. The Coptic Patriarch was a simple Egyptian monk, poor, fanatical and popular. Each of the patriarchs claimed to represent St. Mark and the true Church. Each of them continues to assert this in Alexandria today. The equilibrium of the patriarchs was maintained with the help of the Greek garrisons. As a result, Egypt became an easy prey for an enemy invasion. After the Chalcedony incident, the Coptic Church broke with the rest of the Churches and declared itself independent. Egyptian theologians began to write mainly in Coptic, and Greek ceased to dominate the ecclesiastical and secular life of Copts. While both Churches of Constantinople — one with Greek adherents in Alexandria and the other in Rome — enjoyed the favors of imperial favor, amassed considerable wealth, built beautiful churches, and developed lavish worship ceremonies, Coptic priests fought to survive.
Dissatisfaction with the rule of Constantinople and disunity created the conditions that allowed the old enemies of Egypt — the Persians — to invade the Nile delta and in 619 capture Alexandria. This was a period of extreme hostility towards the Coptic Church. The Persians did not allow worship and killed many monks in the basements of the monasteries. Around the same time, events began to take place in Arabia that brought dramatic changes to Egypt. They were caused by the flight of the Prophet Mohammed from Mecca to Medina in 622 and the declaration of jihad — a holy war — by Byzantium. On September 29, 642, the Muslim commander Amr Ibn al-As marched into Alexandria — this was the beginning of the unprecedented Arab conquest of Egypt. The Byzantine army put up significant resistance to the Arab troops, but the local population was more than ambiguous. The Copts had high hopes for their deliverance from Byzantium, and if they did not support the invaders, then they did not provide assistance to the Byzantine garrison. The Arab conquest completed the separation of Egypt from the rest of Christendom and for several years was accompanied by a vicious persecution of Coptic Christians by the Chalcedonian patriarch of Alexandria Cyrus. It was he who pushed Egypt towards Islam.

Religious disunity continued to weaken the Byzantine Empire, leading the Eastern Orthodox Church to division and subsequent final secession from Rome. By the time of the division between Rome and Constantinople in 1054, adherents of the Eastern Orthodox Church had spread to the Middle East, the Balkans, and Kievan Rus. The creation of the Slavic alphabet — Cyrillic — by two brothers-monks Cyril and Methodius made it possible to translate the Bible into the Slavic language and the establishment of Christianity in the Slavic lands. When the Byzantine Empire fell under the onslaught of the Turks, Moscow — the «third Rome» — became the center of Orthodoxy.

The Arab caliphs, although they favored those who converted to Islam, did not interfere in the internal affairs of the Christian Church. Subject to complete obedience and correct payment of taxes, the Copts were guaranteed security and freedom of religion. But with the coming to power of the Mamluks in 1250, Christianity in Egypt quickly declined, and in the XIV century Copts were in a minority. Only in the middle of the 19th century, under the leadership of the great reformer, educator and statesman, Patriarch Kirill IV, the Copts regained their prestige and lost positions in the state. Despite their integration into Muslim society, Copts survived. Today there are about 7 million of them, which is approximately 10% of the population of Egypt. The Coptic Orthodox Church has entered into an ecumenical dialogue and is participating in the World Council of Churches. Coptic tradition considers Saint Mark to be the first patriarch of Alexandria, and the current spiritual leader of the Coptic Church, Father Shenouda III, is his 117th successor, Patriarch of Alexandria and all Africa. Coptic and Eastern Orthodox doctrines converge, apart from the monophysical question. In divine services, however, the Arabic language is used; during the service, members of the congregation, both men and women, are present in the church together, but stand separately, women on the right, men on the left. Women are not required to cover their heads. The most important religious holiday among Copts, as in the days of early Christianity, is Easter. Holy Week on the eve of Easter begins on Palm Sunday, the day when Jesus entered Jerusalem and the people covered his path with palm branches. Great fast on the eve of Easter, during which only vegetable food is allowed — legumes, vegetables, olive oil, lasts fifty-five days. On Palm Sunday, believers commemorate their loved ones in cemeteries, decorate their homes and churches with palm branches.

The Patriarch and 12 bishops regulate the finances of the church, prescribe the rules of marriage, inheritance and other matters of the personal status of Christians. In Cairo alone, not counting other cities, there are about 150 Coptic churches and 150 Coptic institutions, including schools, shelters, nursing homes and hospitals. Today in Egypt, there are more than 25 active monasteries and a revival of the monastic movement. Young people who have chosen the monastic path for themselves, as a rule, have a higher education, but only after serving in the army and completing mundane affairs can they go to monasteries, where they work in a specialty acquired in mundane life: librarians, doctors, agronomists, builders, engineers. Before taking the monastic dignity, a probationary period of at least three years is laid.

Copts believe in the effectiveness of sacred amulets designed to protect against the devil’s evil eye and all sorts of obsessions, and especially in the miraculous power of patron saints. The most revered among them is St. Mina, or Abu Mina, who performed many miracles. It is said that he resurrected a man who had been hacked to pieces by the Bedouins, and another who had been torn apart by crocodiles. According to Coptic legend, the young officer Mina, an Egyptian by birth, from a good family, a Christian and an ascetic, served in the Roman army and was killed in 296 in Libya after terrible torture during the persecution of Diocletian. The executioners gouged out his eyes, twisted his limbs, cut off his tongue. Mina did not give up his faith, and the emperor personally beheaded him. After all sorts of vicissitudes with a miraculous deliverance from attacks, the coffin with the body of the martyr was returned to the Egyptian coast, and the Bedouins sent him to Alexandria through the desert on a camel, but the camel, having reached a certain area, refused to follow further. The other camel did not budge either. At this place, the coffin was buried, and since then miracles began to happen here: hopeless patients recovered, other visitors successfully solved complex problems. The burial became a place of pilgrimage. After the daughter of the Emperor Arcadius visited the tomb of the martyr, she was healed of leprosy, and a grateful father built a magnificent monastery city here in the middle of the desert (395-408). In the 5th-7th centuries the monastery of St. Mina becomes the greatest center of pilgrimage, a famous place of healing from various ailments: thanks to the healing properties of the sacred oil from the lamps, burning inextinguishable by the relics of the holy martyr for the faith, thousands of people were freed from diseases. Suffering came here from all parts of the Christian world and took with them the miraculous oil in small ceramic jugs with the image of a young saint standing between two camels. Many historians have left testimonies of their stay in a monastery located somewhere near Alexandria in a fertile oasis among vineyards. They mentioned colossal buildings decorated with marble columns, mosaics, frescoes. After the Arab conquest, the monastery of St. Mina ended up in the hands of the Greek Orthodox. In the course of a fierce dispute between Greek and Coptic parishioners over the issue of eligibility, the monastery was ransacked. In the 8th century, the Arab governor issued a decree that the relics of Abu Mina were the property of the Coptic Church. But nothing remained of the former monastery town except memory. Many archaeologists tried to find it, however, contrary to the testimony of medieval travelers, they could not find any traces. In the end, scholars agreed that Abu Mina’s monastery is nothing more than a beautiful myth. And only in 1905, as a result of excavations carried out by the German archaeologist Karl Kaufmann, the ruins of an ancient basilica were discovered. Thirty marble steps led to the crypt, and at a depth of ten meters under the ruins of the altar was the burial of St. Mines. In the grave there was an icon of the saint, exactly as it was described by medieval historians: a young officer against the backdrop of the desert and two camels. Gradually archaeologists discovered the entire ancient city, with its churches and squares, a hotel for pilgrims, workshops, bakery and souvenir kiosks.

In 1959, during the Patriarchate of Cyril VI, the construction of a new monastery of Abu Mina was begun in its former place. The construction is almost complete, pilgrims flock to the monastery, as in the Middle Ages, who are convinced that their participation in the «second birth» of St. Mina will bring them a blessing. The main church, monastic cells, a library, a hospital, marble workshops, souvenir shops, refectories for monks and pilgrims have already been rebuilt, where tired travelers can get a hot lunch for free. Visitors willingly buy products grown on the monastery grounds and processed here: vegetables, olives, olive oil, fish, poultry — all environmentally friendly and inexpensive. In the church of the monastery, at the relics of St. Mines can always be seen from parishioners leaving notes asking for help. It is not necessary to sign, because the almighty saint, of course, knows who turned to him. Just like fifteen hundred years ago, the afflicted take with them from the chapel with the relics of St. Mine are ampoules with sacred oil with healing properties.

The stone reliefs of the monastery, wood and ivory carvings, wall paintings, mosaics reflect all the originality of the former Coptic art, saturated with motives of Greek mythology. Here, as elsewhere in Coptic churches, you will not see pictures with biblical subjects on the theme of torture, suffering, punishment of sinners in hell. Copts believe that they should show not suffering and humiliation and not sinners, but the greatness and holiness of the martyrs. Economic conditions no doubt played an important role in the development of the style, and the lack of a patronage system is evident in many aspects of Coptic art, manifested in a shortage of skilled craftsmen and a lack of expensive materials. The domes of Coptic churches are devoid of gold covering, but the Coptic church is not strong in gold.

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Earlier, when I saw a representative of the real estate business, I could not understand how they earn their living and how they can be trusted with something. But in this case, even though it is a different country, I even left them money to save before the deal. Hello friends!

Diego Hodkiewicz

Good day, I would like to leave a review about the company Redsealine. I express my sincere gratitude from the bottom of my heart for your professionalism and kindness!

Hoyt Rosenbaum

I turned to RedSEaLine when I decided to invest in investments in Hurghada. I was immediately offered many options. I chose it myself and bought two apartments. Thanks!

Aisha Howe IV

We are grateful for the high-quality effective work. Now only to you.

Clotilde Quigley

Only thanks to your charisma and subtle instinct in the real estate market this object was sold! You have great intuition. We did it with you. Uraaaaa!

Jared Parisian

We were thrown off a lot of information at our request. Detailed information for each option. I managed to find a suitable, worthy option!

Estevan Erdman

Dear friends, I would like to address you. Thank you very much! You cannot imagine how grateful I am to you for your participation in solving my problem. YOU ARE SUPER!

Mr. Myron Welch

Thank you for everything! We wish you lots of sales and easy customer service.

Maxime Carter

I highly recommend RedseaLine. I turned here when I decided to buy an apartment for investment.

Hilario Hansen

We were not looking for buyers for a long time. We are lucky! Thank you very much! We saved contacts for the future! I wish you success!

Kenna Macejkovic

Real professionals work here. When we bought an apartment, we were not in Hurghada. Everything was done online. Thank you very much!

Mr. Cortez Pollich PhD

I was very lucky, there were professionals on my side and I met the most reliable agency in the whole of Hurghada. Recommend!

Ms. Veda Ruecker Sr.

I will share my joy - I sold my apartment at the market price in just a month and a half

Jane Reilly

I express my gratitude for the high-quality, organized and competently conducted sale of our abandoned house. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

Samir Streich

Even after the transaction, they helped us with housing issues. I recommend this company to everyone! Next time we will turn only here!

Darwin Greenholt

They explained everything to us, told us, it was very pleasant to work. Recommended.

Miss Brenda Schmitt

We bought an apartment with the help of this agency. Many thanks! We will recommend!

Gracie Vandervort

It was very pleasant to work. They explained everything to us and told everything. Recommend!

Shania Mitchell

It is not always possible to meet such people, I think that it is very valuable in our time. Very very grateful!

Molly Turner

I want to say thank you very much! The most real professionals in their field. We bought an apartment outside of Egypt, so the deal was not easy.

Bryana Dickens

We and my friends have been working with this company for a long time. We like everything. I won't write much, I just recommend it to everyone.

Luciano Schoen

We came here on the advice of friends, when we decided that it was time for us to buy our own apartment in Hurghada. We were pleased with the cooperation. We found the best option for us for the price.

Prof. Cory Franecki

I would like to sincerely thank the employees of the company for their prompt and professional help in selling the apartment.

Miss Delphine Cormier Jr.

Today we bought an apartment! RedSeaLine helped us!

Landen Lang

I bought an apartment in Hurghada long ago and wanted to sell it. Entrusted the sale to RedSeaLine employees. They did everything in one month. Now I'm thinking about buying.

Florence Murazik MD

Nice people, plus very experienced professionals. All things concerning the contract, possible subtleties, we were told in great detail. Which saved us from a bunch of potential problems in the future.

Andy Hammes

We had a great deal, it was great to see how they are legally savvy and well versed in all aspects of real estate. I want to note their honesty. Thanks!

Preston Jakubowski

I want to say thanks for the quality and friendly service. We bought not a bad option and very quickly.

Beryl Schuster

Impressions are very positive, when we decided to buy an apartment, we were quickly helped to find it at an adequate price. Thanks!

Jadon Rippin

Next time we will contact only this company. Even after buying an apartment, they helped us in all matters with repairs.

Tyree Kuhic

I sold my apartment through this real estate agency. The realtor did a great deal, it was very comfortable to work with.

Dale Borer

Guys, I recommend you to everyone. We bought an apartment today. Thanks!

Simone Rutherford

If not for RedSeaLine, I would have ended up in a mental hospital. It's good that you are. I was lucky to have chosen the best company. I always strive for the best in my life. Which I advise you too!

Julianne Bergstrom

This is the second time I work with this company, with their help I was looking for an apartment. As usual, everything went perfectly.

Hortense Donnelly

Thank you for the professional approach to business. Everything is very fast. The documents for the apartment were prepared in advance. I bought an apartment with 3 rooms. After 10 days, we already had the keys. We didn't even expect it. Will recommend to others!

Dr. Fay Koss

A good buyer was selected for us. We helped to quickly and correctly draw up all the relevant documents within the framework of the purchase and sale transaction.

Miss Gregoria Cummerata PhD

The guys coped with everything brilliantly. Everything went just fine!

Priscilla Gottlieb

Thanks a lot! I wish you a lot of good clients and easy work.

Mr. Benny Friesen

I am very glad that I met the wonderful company RedSEALine. Here there are many advantages. I want to say thank you so much for your help in buying an apartment)))

Prof. Delbert Schmidt III

I would very much like to note that the prices for the company's services are very reasonable. I will recommend!

Rebeka Oberbrunner

When my husband and I decided to buy, I started calling agencies and found RedSealine. I liked everything right away. And somehow trust immediately arose.

Cecilia Veum

With all my heart I can give a good recommendation for choosing this real estate agency.

Doris Rohan

I thank the team of your real estate agency for the work done. A successful deal is the best recommendation, so now only to you!

Evalyn Goldner

I bought a neighbor's apartment. We have already applied all together. They made us a contract, toukil, took us everywhere and, most importantly, ensured the safety of settlements.

Eunice Berge

We have selected an option that meets one hundred percent of my requests. The price was especially important.

Joey Gislason

I am incredibly glad that I bought an apartment and finally moved closer to the sea and the city center. All this thanks to you!

Lois Lind

I would like to express my gratitude for your work. At all stages of buying an apartment, your help was not appreciated, and your professionalism instilled confidence in a positive result!

Dr. Jaunita Collins I

This company has many advantages. I am very glad that I met these wonderful people. I want to say thank you so much for your help in buying an apartment.

Mr. Isom D'Amore

It is pleasant to deal with a professional who knows the market, selects an apartment taking into account all wishes and brings the matter to the end.

Jon Stehr

We are very grateful to you for your work and wish you good clients and the same quick results. We will definitely contact you again! (and we will never cheat on you).

Prof. Webster Orn MD

In order to pick up a document in a foreign country, in another language, read it fluently and understand that everything is fine and no one will throw us down, then you can be calm for your money. But since we do not know how, we need PROFESSIONALS OF THEIR WORK!

Kailee Hermann

Thank you for helping to sell my apartment and buy a new one as soon as possible. And for making a discount on services.

Alia McClure PhD

I was struck by the fact that there was escort at all stages. Where you need to be brought and taken, everyone will prompt and tell, and they helped to do everything. Thank you very much for everything.

Miss Maurine Nolan

When we applied, we didn't even expect such a quick result, but within three weeks the apartment was sold, thanks to this wonderful agency.

Keely Dicki

Selling an apartment in Egypt, it seems to me, and in any other place in the world, is both simple and difficult. But somehow everything went by, though for a long time, but very calmly and pleasantly. Thanks to the agency!

Dominic Hand

Our transaction was successful, painless and with a full guarantee of legal purity. Highest recommendation!

Rocio Jacobson DDS

Nice, sociable people. They helped me quickly buy an apartment and finally move to my new living space near the sea!

Dr. Kamron Okuneva II

Thank you so much, dear friends. You are super!

Clark Mills

I want to express my deep gratitude for the work done and the result. The agency was contacted about the sale of the apartment. Highly recommend!

Prof. Katelynn Schroeder IV

We have a very good experience of working together. If suddenly the need for real estate services arises again, be sure to contact redsealine! Thank you very much!

Elisha Glover

Many thanks to the staff of RedSealine, within a week the apartment was sold, and for a long time I myself could not find a buyer for my apartment. That's why I turned here!

Hulda Huel

While I was looking for an apartment, I realized that besides the fact that I do not have time for this, I also lack legal knowledge. In general, they served me perfectly. I bought an apartment and I'm happy!

Prof. Carleton Kunde III

I want to say thank you so much for your help in buying an apartment. I am very glad that I got to know this company. There are a lot of advantages here.

Retha Veum

I will not overload the Internet with information about how they sold and what they did, I will say that the result of cooperation with RedSeaLine suited me one hundred percent. I am pleased that I contacted this agency.

Dr. Kylee Tillman IV

Organizational talent, the ability to effectively mobilize oneself and others in a stressful situation, as well as vast experience in real estate, all this can be safely said about RedSeaLine.

Kadin Ward

But this wonderful company took the problem into their magic hands and in two hours everything was solved in the best way for us. The deal took place!

Ms. Myrna Dooley

We have a difficult question. Through the fault of the seller, the transaction could be postponed to another day, which was highly undesirable for either party.

Tremayne Boyer

Thank you for helping us sell our apartment. This is only due to the fact that you are well versed in the real estate market.

Ubaldo Mayer

There is a very correct cost of services, a fixed percentage and payment only after I received the keys.

Tessie Murazik

Thank you for the work done! We were looking for a studio not far from Sheraton. We were limited in terms of budget and doubted very much that we would be able to meet it, but thanks to this company we managed to do it. The apartment completely suited us. We bought the first proposed option, it exceeded all our expectations.

Dr. Baby Hessel

Redsealine promptly worked with the selection of a purchase option. And in the process of everything, they were always there.

Dr. Harmon Schmidt

They sent me a lot of options by e-mail. Great price for an apartment. We bought an apartment without coming to Hurghada.

Maryse Tromp

To buy an apartment in a country like Egypt, you have to be a very brave person. My husband and I are retired and were afraid. I got in touch with Olga at home and corresponded for a whole year. And then a year later they bought it. I transferred the money online.

Gage Rowe

We had our own buyer, we asked for all the paperwork to be done. We did everything clearly and correctly. Thank you very much for the quality service.

Javier Schuppe

In a fairly short period of time, we found a buyer, the conditions were fine for everyone. Deal has been completed successfully. Recommend!

Mr. Hilario Kshlerin

I came to this agency on a recommendation. They helped my friends and helped me. With my limited budget, I didn't even hope already.

Elouise Russel I

I used the services of a real estate agency when selling. I decided that it was safer and calmer this way, and there was no extra time to deal with the process.

Dr. Titus Cole DDS

I would like to provide feedback on Redsealine. Thank you very much! We will definitely contact you next time.

Griffin Reichert

Before I was advised to you, I tried to sell myself, but it was all in vain. They will come, take a look, try to lower the price - that's all. I was already desperate to sell and thought to postpone the deal until better times. And you are just masters of your craft: sold within a month! Now I will recommend you to everyone.

Hadley Lubowitz

Two years ago I decided to improve my living conditions in Hurghada. At first I tried to solve the issue on my own, looked at a large number of options. In the end, I realized that only professionals should deal with such issues. Due to numerous recommendations from various sources, I settled on RedSeaLine, which I did not regret for a second!

Letha Howe Jr.

Everything was done for us in a few days. This is an indicator of professionalism.

Lempi Senger

I would like to express my deep human gratitude to your team of specialists for help in selling an apartment.

Ms. Elenora Pfannerstill

My husband initially did not plan to contact the real estate agency, but just wanted to look for a suitable apartment himself and communicate directly with the owner's representative. He found an apartment and it turned out that this is an agency, but they do not take money from buyers. So we met! We are glad.

Jazlyn White

Employees are always friendly, always available. They always give complete information. You can only dream of such an agency! The agency will have the highest rating with such employees.

Ms. Constance Bailey

I liked almost everything in this agency, especially the attitude to the case and to me as a client.

bernard dinh van

I have conracted Red SeaLine to sell my apartment. They did everything very quickly, explained every little detail and made the sale in a very efficient and professional way. I am ready to recommend them to anyone who would like to arrange the same process and not to bother themselves with the procedure

Daisy Okuneva

I turned to this agency for help in selling an apartment, because now there are so many agencies in Hurghada that it is very difficult to understand which one is normal. I will consider myself lucky!

Don West

Many thanks and sincere gratitude to the realtor Veronica for her prompt professional work in the sale of the apartment.

Diego Hodkiewicz

RedSeaLine is an excellent office! I recommend to use!

Hoyt Rosenbaum

We bought a great apartment without even coming to Hurghada. They sent me many options. Great price for an apartment.

Chou Youpin

A friend of mine has told me: if you want t have a great flat to live in or just to have vacation at from time to time them you need to go to Red sea line. I did it. I told them what I want and almost directly got a very good offer for the great apartment in a very good location. The documents were done very quickly. That was a perfect choice. I love my apartment now. They have made my dream come true. I am very grateful for the professional way and friendly and polite staff.

Aisha Howe IV

Friends advised to contact the real estate agency RedSeaLine. Without hesitation, we contacted, and within two weeks we selected an apartment that fully satisfies all our desires. Guys, it was a pleasure to work with you! Thanks!

Mr. Myron Welch

The staff did their job perfectly. In particular: they helped me find an apartment at a very attractive price in the shortest possible time, even much less than I had planned. Thanks.

Dr. Carroll Kling

The company did an excellent job. Highly recommend! Thanks everyone!


I was checking the offers of different real-estate agencies when i have noticed that Red SeaLine has the most attractive prices. I have contacted them and figured out that they have a very wide variety of choices. One can find an apartment for every need. For example, i need an apartment for my elderly mother. She has specific requests. And after i have presented the list of my requirements the agent of red sea line made a very good offer. Documents were handled quickly. I was informed of each step of the process. They are the best.

Kenna Macejkovic

I applied to this agency last fall, on the advice of a friend at work. Since then, I have never regretted my choice.

Mr. Cortez Pollich PhD

From us in other places they constantly asked for money in advance. But here they did fine and did not ask for money in advance. Thanks for all.

Clotilde Quigley

It is always a little afraid to buy an apartment in another country, having studied the whole process and once again making sure that a realtor is still needed. So she began to search. They offered me a bunch of options. It so happened that I chose this agency and never regretted it!

Jared Parisian

People who work in this agency have tremendous experience, education, and finally they are just professionals!

Samir Streich

Agency services did not cost me much. I was satisfied with everything. I can recommend for cooperation.

Darwin Greenholt

When we finally accumulated enough money, we decided to move to Hurghada. We started looking for a real estate agency, so as not to run into scammers. It is fortunate that we turned to REdsealine. And I highly recommend you!

Maxime Carter

I have read a lot on the Internet about how the process of buying an apartment goes, what documents are needed, how the registration takes place, and so on. When I turned to a real estate agency, I was surprised that my knowledge from Facebook was not at all useful to me. People knew exactly what and how to do. Apparently that's why everything went smoothly!

Hilario Hansen

Everyone who worked with me took into account all my preferences and were always open to dialogue. We picked up several options and after a couple of weeks I moved into my own apartment. Thanks a lot!

Shania Mitchell

We were constantly in touch with the staff. If questions arose, they were resolved quickly enough. They sent us everything to WhatsApp and we chose. When we arrived, the option was already waiting for us.

Molly Turner

Quickly and in a short time they sold us an apartment and transferred the money into dollars. Thanks!

Ms. Veda Ruecker Sr.

Excellent price for apartments. We bought a nice apartment in Hurghada without arriving at the place. The apartment options were sent to me on WhatsApp. “PERFECT! PROFESSIONALLY! RELIABLE! FAST!". Excellent price! Respect for the client!

Jane Reilly

Good afternoon! I would like to express my gratitude for the quality work done by the real estate agency RedSeaLine.

Prof. Cory Franecki IV

I thanked everyone personally. But I also want to say thank you very much for your understanding!

Miss Delphine Cormier Jr.

I completely agree with all reviews. Great attitude to business, to people, and this is manifested in everything! Thanks!

Miss Brenda Schmitt

I worked for a long time and finally saved up for my own apartment, started looking for a normal real estate agency. I found Redsealine, after reading the reviews, I decided to call them. Super service! Everything is clear, calm and fast.

Gracie Vandervort

And we not only found the right option, but also picked it up during our vacation. Very satisfied, I recommend.

Andy Hammes

We contacted Redsialine real estate agency with a request to help us choose the best exchange option with our daughter. Taking into account the complexity of the task and the limited finances, I appreciate the work of the agency manager as excellent!

Preston Jakubowski

In the future, I will refer only to you. It was a pleasure to work with. You are a wonderful company.

Bryana Dickens

I dedicated myself to buying an apartment, so as not to lie, a full two days, my head was spinning! And hurray! The apartment was found.

Luciano Schoen

They found me a very decent apartment. To the sea 10 minutes maximum. So i'm happy

melissa shaw

I decided to contact red sea line after reading the comments. I have not regretted even for a second! They were very thoughtful and took care of my every insecurity. They found me an apartment of my dream. We did arrange everything quickly. It was on the most pleasant experiences i could have had. I will definitely recommend them.

Jadon Rippin

We are very grateful for the cooperation with your agency, especially for the sensitive and cordial attitude towards us. WELL, VERY EVERYTHING IS GREAT! Thanks!

Tyree Kuhic

I applied to this company for the second time. And as always, everything went great. Two years ago I bought an apartment.

Dale Borer V

My son and I really needed to buy an apartment, but it was not possible to buy it right away. The only solution was in installments. Thanks Redsealine, they helped us, we found a studio in a house that was already being commissioned, but we will pay dem three more years.

Landen Lang

Many thanks to the RedSeaLine agency. I wish you and your team prosperity and high achievements in your business. Your employees are kind and helpful people who are ready to help in any situation.

Cornelia wiesner

Heartily thanks to the personnel of red sea line for their amazing work. They are managing to have the ability to deal with all the possible requests clients might have. I am very hard to deal with, I know that. But the personnel were very professional in making everything possible to have their clients satisfied. They made it possible for me to have my dream apartment without me moving even one finger. Highly recommended.

Hortense Donnelly

RedSeaLine, may heaven help you in apartment sales!

Dr. Fay Koss

I turned to the RedseaLine real estate agency with a request to help me sell my apartment and buy another one. The task was not easy, but the guys coped brilliantly.

Beryl Schuster

I want to thank you for your help in the sale and purchase of an apartment. I am very pleased with your work.

Mr. Benny Friesen

I want to say thank you for finding me an apartment in the area of interest to me, and even so quickly. Before that, I decided to look for myself: I ran all over Hadaba, but almost 2 weeks of searching did not lead to anything. And here they found a suitable option for me literally in three days.

Prof. Delbert Schmidt III

We worked with RedSeaLine. Of all the preferences, several options were proposed. For a long time my wife and I could not decide what option we liked, this is not an easy matter. Many thanks for your patience!

Simone Rutherford

I want to make my assessment of the real estate agency RedSeaLine. My rating is excellent!

Julianne Bergstrom

My husband is all at work, so I had to look for an apartment. I searched through the internet since my husband works at Ras Gharib. When I was written off with this company, they immediately threw off my studio options. The proximity of the sea and the pool was important to me. My husband looked in the evening, we chose, and then he called up and paid.

Evalyn Goldner

The work is very pleasant, highly qualified. Our deal was successful and I have already made repairs in the apartment. I enjoy my own apartment.

Miss Gregoria Cummerata PhD

I want to write that if you want the best, choose the best. I highly recommend it to everyone!

Alisa Kalinchenkova

Red SeaLine have helped us to buy an apartment last year. I contacted them by the recommendation of my brother. He also got his apartment from them before. One day after my call they have presented me a very good option for a very good price. Now I am thinking to get one more apartment and will come to them only!

Priscilla Gottlieb

Real professionals. I want to say that these people can solve any problem.

Qi Guanghong

I came to Hurghada and fell in love with the city. I got an idea to check an apartment for myself to buy. Something like vacation home. I have checked three real-estate agencies before i found Red SeaLine. They have considered every my request and straight away made several offers. Thye were very patient and helpful. And i know that i am a very picky client. But whenever i had a question they have had an answer. And now i have one of the best places for the holidays. Highly recommend!

Cecilia Veum

Thank you very much for such a good and quality service. Our apartment was sold very quickly. When we decide to buy we will turn to you again.

Egemen Nemli

I would like to tell you our story of dealing with Red SeaLine. We had two tasks for them: we needed to sell our apartment and to get a new one bigger but in a different location. And they did it! We have sold our apartment within a week and the next day we found one of the best places I could only imagine. I would recommend them to anyone who has anything to do with their apartments.


I would like to thank Red Sea line for their professional way of dealing with the clients, friendliness and the ability to find compromises. I would like to note the good work of Olga as she has always been available and very patient in explaining all tge aspects of my inquiry. In fact she was able to answer any of my questions. We are very greatful for her hard work and friendly and the same time professional attitude

Doris Rohan

I would like to thank your company for help in choosing an apartment. They worked promptly, in a short time they picked up an apartment, quickly agreed on shows, and for the apartment they liked, they got a small but pleasant discount from the seller.

Joey Gislason

As soon as we faced the search for an apartment, the first thing I did was to monitor real estate companies. Of the three chosen, I stopped at RedseaLine and made the right decision. I will recommend you to everyone!

Lois Lind

I want to say thank you to the entire team, and especially to Olga, a special thank you for advising me on all issues.

Dr. Jaunita Collins I

It is difficult to dwell on a particular real estate agency when the Internet is replete with such. I wrote to RedSEAline. And they answered me instantly. I described my apartment and a nice girl in Russian helped me decide on the price and put the apartment in the database. I'll wait for buyers now.

Rebeka Oberbrunner

Many thanks to all employees of the real estate agency Redsealine for the work done on a professional level.

Ya-en Tsai

The Red Sea line has helped me to find an apartment. I have never thought that the documentation can be so easy. Everything has been done for me without any hustle abd problems. I got an amazing apartment at a very good price with a very professional way of handling the deal. The personnel was very efficient and polite. Thank you Red Sea line for making my dream come true!

Kailee Hermann

It is with great pleasure that I recommend REDSEALINE!

Rita Alcock

We are very grateful to the RedSeaLine for fulfilling our wishes to come true. We had a very tricky request about the apartment we wanted and we were aware of that. Despite to that they have made it happen. They are professional in what they do. They have handled every aspect of the deal in a very efficient way. Thank you very much. Well done.

Eunice Berge

It was not in vain that I went here, because there were really many difficulties with the sale of an apartment. But the agency did everything according to the law, officially and without any pitfalls.

Mr. Isom D'Amore

Hello everyone! I want to write about workers. Everyone who works for this company is very tactful, smiling and punctual!

Michael West

Red Sea Line are the most reliable people I might have found. They have taken care of the documentation. The have kept me informed of everything. They have patiently informed me about every little detail. I wouldn’t have though that the organization of buying apartment could have been easier. Thank you for the great opportunity of of having an amazing apartment with the minimum of hustle.

Jon Stehr

I also applied here to sell an apartment profitably and without problems. I am very satisfied. Thank you! Good luck with your work!

Prof. Webster Orn MD

helped me to deal with a difficult situation when traveling with my husband's parents. For a long time they lived like in a communal apartment. It's all so tired that I really wanted a separate apartment. Let it not be big, let it not be near the sea, but always away from relatives.

Islam El Lebnani

Red Sea line are very professional people. They have helped me to buy the apartment of my dreams. They were very fast in all the organizational aspects. The price was very good. I am very glad that I have contacted them. Highly recommended.

Keely Dicki

The work done on the selection of an apartment is estimated by me one hundred percent. All my wishes were taken into account. We went to several objects, and I found exactly "my" apartment.


I know Red sealine for few years now from the other services. We were renting the apartments from them. So when I have mentioned that I would like to buy an apartment they have offered their services. I checked all the options and made a choice. The documents have been handled easily and fast. The staff has always kept me informed on the progress. Thanks for the great work! Keep it up!

Dominic Hand

Employees of the company managed to significantly reduce prices, because we were pointed out in time to some of the shortcomings. We received the rter at a favorable price, and quickly eliminated the shortcomings.

Miss Maurine Nolan

Professional agency, good punctual staff. Recommend!

Dr. Rhett Volkman DVM

The view, space and floor above were important for us. We traveled around dozens of objects, each of them at least didn't like something. The guys bravely withstood all our whims. As a result, more carefully, taking into account all our wishes, they offered us an option that suited us one hundred percent. Once again, we want to thank you for your work.


I bought my apartment from red sea line last year. I never thought that the process could be so easy to handle. They have taken care of everything. I didn't even need to move one finger. Yet i was informed of any step they were taking. They were very helpful and understanding. The price was very reasonable. I will recommend Red Sea Line for their professional and respective attitude, high level of customer service and a great variety of choices.

Dr. Kamron Okuneva II

All the participants were happy and happy with us: both I, as the seller of the apartment, and the buyer from the operation!

Clark Mills

Our apartment was sold very quickly! When we decide to buy again, we will contact you. Thank you very much for the quality and good service.

Prof. Katelynn Schroeder IV

Thanks to the real estate agency RedSeaLine and therefore, by coincidence, I turned to you, and not to anyone else.

Alia McClure PhD

I haven't met such professionals for a long time. We bought an apartment with a private beach. We enjoyed working with this real estate agency.

Benjamin Kruger

When I decided to buy and apartment in Hurghada my friend advised to contact Red Sea Line. In a very short time, they made a very good offer at a very good price. They have taken care of all the document and made it all possible for me. I have now the best vacation home ever. Thank you very much.

Hulda Huel

Thanks to this good agency, we still found our wonderful option. Smack!

Prof. Carleton Kunde III

The deal went very smoothly with us, we are satisfied. But most of all I was glad that I did not have to fiddle with documents.

Retha Veum

Thanks to the Redsealine agency, and in particular to their employees, thanks to their professional help, we have become the owners of luxury apartments.

Rocio Jacobson DDS

The employee of the real estate agency RedSeaLine helped us a lot, who was able to tell, explain and do everything correctly. Now we live in our apartment and are very happy about it.

Tremayne Boyer

The seller made a discount to us, as the apartment had a number of shortcomings. We ourselves would not have paid attention to them, but the agency looked at everything for us and reduced the price.

Gabriela Tegiacchi

We have dealt with Red Sea Line several ties due to different services. But when we told them that we want to have our own apartment sold they took this job without any problems. They have made all the clarifications and arranged the deal within a very short period of time. I am grateful for their concerns, attention and professional way of dealing with the clients. Thank you!

Elisha Glover

I want to thank you! When I decided to start selling and selecting options, of course, I hoped that everything would be simple and, as the advertisement says, the options for apartments and proven realtors would be checked. But this turned out to be not true. In Hurghada, only brokers, boors and people do not understand the documents. It's good that I found Redsealine. They found everything for me, the main thing is calm and easy. Very, very grateful to you!

Angelika Garbaya

I would like to thank all the employees of Red Sea Line for taking care of all my requests concerning the deal of buying the apartment. They have dealt with all the documents. The price was very reasonable and affordable. They have made a very good that helped us to fit in the budget and the same time not to miss any of my requests. Thank you.

Greg Wilman

I would like to thank RedSeaLine for their professionalism. Thankfully to them we have a wonderful apartment that we wished for. We are wishing you a lot of clients and success.

Dr. Kylee Tillman IV

They've done everything for us. And most importantly, all this was done calmly, with a positive attitude, with a smile, everything went very kindly, but very professionally and competently.

Kadin Ward

It's a pleasure to deal with you! They are competent and polite specialists. I highly recommend and express my gratitude.

Ms. Myrna Dooley

Thank you for full support of sales and preparation of the entire package of documents. We ourselves would never be able to do this in a foreign country

Tessie Murazik

Thank you for finding me my favorite apartment. After all, I went to this for so long and now it happened! What good fellows you are!

Dr. Harmon Schmidt

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone at Redsealine, especially Makin. He not only helped to choose and buy an apartment, but also found a two-bedroom option. Although we did not consider this option through prices.


When we come to Red Sea Line to inquire about the apartments for sale. We had no idea of what exactly we want. they were very polite and patient. They showed us several different options at a very reasonable price. After we made our mind, they have taken care of everything. Thank you!

Javier Schuppe

Our apartment was sold to us very quickly. Thanks so much for the super quality service.

Mr. Hilario Kshlerin III

I am satisfied with the efficiency of the work performed and its result, for which I express my gratitude.

Ubaldo Mayer

Thank you for the correct information and timely assistance.

Griffin Reichert

I am very lucky to have applied here. My apartment was sold to me within the normal time frame and at a good price. I am glad and happy! Thanks!

Liu Dan

I decided to buy an apartment and as anyone i needed it to be quick and as possible easy. Red Sea line was my first choice and i don't regret it. The deal was very good. The staff is very reliable. They took care of every little detail. They explained every aspect of the process. I was informed of every step they were taking. I was very impressed. Thank you all. It was pleasure to deal with red sea line

Hadley Lubowitz

Recently I turned to the Reds Line real estate agency for help in choosing and then buying an apartment. I came across a very intelligent employee who explained everything on the fingers and within the next few days found me a suitable apartment, at an inexpensive price with a very good repair.

Maryse Tromp

Thank you so much for your help in finding an apartment. The apartment is with a decent renovation. Super!

Elouise Russel I

App in the family is a great joy, but also the need to add a new space for a new person. We live here permanently. Very successfully, through this company, we sold an apartment and bought it in the same house only in another block.

Dr. Titus Cole DDS

The agreement turned out to be quite profitable, although we have already lost hope to buy money from us for cash. We bought an apartment and are very happy.

zheng younan

I wouldn like to thank the very qualified personnel of Red SeaLine for their help. They have managed to assist me with finding the place of my dreams and make it come true. Everything was fast and efficient. I have seen several apartments that were matching my requirements and have managed to find exactly what i needed. For the future if anyone of my friends will decide to buy an apartment i will recommend Red SeaLine

eva thompson

I wanted to havyan apartment on the Red Sea since a very long time. A friend of mine had advised Red Sea Line. I have never regreted contacting their personnel. Polite, professional, fast and efficient. They have presented to me about 5 different apartments with very good offers. That was a tough choice. But once i made up my mind the agent took care of all the documents. Now i have my very own apartment on the beautiful Red sea. I will also recommend this agency to all the people i know

Letha Howe Jr.

Very professional and reliable. Thank you for your professionalism and pleasant communication.

Lempi Senger

Thank you for helping me with the sale of the apartment, I am very glad that I was able to do this with your help.

Ms. Elenora Pfannerstill DVM

I'm terribly glad that I finally managed to take an apartment. The employees are polite, in the process of work they constantly kept in touch and offered various options.

Jazlyn White DDS

Thanks to this agency, we sold a villa that had been hanging from all agencies for sale for three years.

Yating Liu

I was recommended Red Sea line by a friend of mine. The agent has listened to what i want and offered a perfect place. We have started to arrange documents straght away. I was very pleasantly surprised by the price i must say. They have very reliable people working for them. I will recommend this agency to everyone!

Dr. Baby Hessel

We bought an apartment that we have wanted for a long time. This company helped my family a lot. Now we can come to OUR personal apartment!

Gage Rowe

I come for the winter, I usually live with a friend. It was inconvenient with one bedroom, so they decided to sell my apartment, and my friend adds money to buy another apartment. The only thing I really didn't want to change was the area. Here are friends, everything is familiar, the sea is very close. We found what we needed and where we needed in our own area. Thanks from the bottom of my heart!