The exotic sea of the Red Sea is legendary. It is the warmest, most beautiful and mysterious of all the known seas in the world. The Red Sea was born 40 million years ago as a result of the fracture of the Arabian and African titanic plates. The sea along which the ships of the rulers of Ancient Rome, Egypt, Greece went, through which Moses led the Jewish people, in which Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, King Solomon and Cleopatra washed their feet. — all this is the Red Sea!
There are several versions as to why the Red Sea got its name. The most plausible is that the sea acquired its name because of the underwater pink-red rocks here. When illuminated by the desert sun, from the surface it seems that the water takes on a red hue.
For the beauty and variety of corals and marine life, the Red Sea has no equal. More than a thousand species of fish are found in it, more than two hundred species of coral grow. Huge coral reefs form an unusually beautiful and complex rocky system stretching tens of meters deep.
We have collected some amazing facts about this incredible sea.
1. This sea is the only one in the world, into which not a single river flows. However, it is not surprising — it is surrounded by very arid lands. By the way, that is why the water is so transparent here. Visibility under water, where there are no strong currents, reaches 40 meters.
2. It is also the saltiest of all the seas that make up the World Ocean. For example, the Dead Sea is not included in it, since it is actually a huge closed lake.
3. The water here is the warmest in the world. Yes, it is warmer than anywhere else on the Philippine or Caribbean beaches.
4. After the Suez Canal was dug, connecting the Mediterranean and Red Seas, there was some exchange of flora and fauna, with fish, jellyfish and algae from one sea to another.
5. Every day the Red Sea could become shallow by half a centimeter due to water evaporation. This does not happen, since the lack of water is made up by streams from the Indian Ocean.
6. Since tectonic activity on Earth does not stop, the distance between the shores of the Red Sea increases by about a meter in three years.
7. At the junction of this sea with the Gulf of Aden, one can observe an amazing picture — the waters of two colors meet, but do not mix. This is due to their different density, due, in turn, to different salinity.
8. The Red Sea washes the shores of eight different countries.
9. Among all the seas of our planet, it is this — the cleanest.
10. In the hottest time of the year, the water temperature in the Red Sea reaches +30 degrees, and in the coldest time it sometimes drops to +20.
11. Two-thirds of the Red Sea is shallow, with a depth of less than 100 meters. However, there are also impressive depressions up to 2 kilometers deep.
12. More than 1200 species of fish are found here, and one tenth of this number lives only in the Red Sea.
13. Water in the Red Sea has been completely renewed in 15 years.
14. Residents of Saudi Arabia are actively desalinating seawater taken from here, as they are in dire need of clean water.
15. There are only 25 islands in the Red Sea.
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