Today Hurghada is a large modern city where representatives of different cultures, religions and communities come together and live. It is a young, fast-growing city on the shores of the Red Sea, in the desert. Everyone who comes to Hurghada for the first time pays attention to the new buildings under construction, located in almost all areas of the city. The city is growing and constantly being built. They build it everywhere: somewhere they rebuild the old, somewhere they finish building the unfinished one, somewhere they build the new one. Sometimes it seems that construction is a way of life in Hurghada. Houses are built mainly in a small distance from the Red Sea, so the building area is very dense here.
The architecture of the objects is all possible; the city has a very wide variety of buildings. From one-story houses to quite significant architectural ensembles and complexes. In the Red Sea province there are restrictions on the height of buildings — 2,3,4,5 and sometimes 6 floors. The permitted building heights vary from area to area. This is due to factors such as proximity to the sea, soil characteristics, location of the land plot on which the building is being built, in relation to elements of military infrastructure and civil aviation.
In areas on the first line from the sea, as a rule, it is allowed to build buildings no higher than 3 floors, in other areas the maximum number of floors is 4, and sometimes 5.
The number of storeys of a building in Egypt is considered the same as in many European countries. There is an underground floor, it can be semi-basement. Some buildings were built without semi-basements, but directly from the ground floor. The first floor is the floor following the ground floor.
The height of each floor in buildings is also limited and most often no more than 3 meters. The height of buildings also has limitations — no more than 10, 15.20 and more meters. For each building, a license is obtained that permits its construction to a certain height.
In addition, during the construction of a building on a land plot, there are restrictions on the percentage of building on this plot. It is also different for different areas of Hurghada and for different types of buildings. For example, if a land plot for construction has a total area of 300 sq.m., and the permitted building ratio is 30%, then the building itself can be built on a site of no more than 100 sq.m. Local builders, taking into account these requirements, increase the living area of the real estate due to the even removal of the floor slabs following the ground floor by 1.5-2 m.
In Hurghada there are buildings for sale that do not have interior decoration, but outside these buildings have a completely finished look. Some building owners in Hurghada use the construction of a building in stages. At the first stage, they construct a building with 3-4 floors, begin its operation, and after 3-5 years, they receive permission from the supervisory authorities to add additional floors.
I must say that most of the objects are built almost entirely by human hands. But the Egyptians are quite diligent and conscientious builders, if the team took up the construction, then only the supply of materials and the house will grow before our eyes. Moreover, the quality will be at a high level and the terms of work, if the material is available, will always be met. We also note that the city is being built up very rapidly and where yesterday there was a wasteland, today there is already a whole microdistrict. Moreover, the cost of housing here is not that high, especially for foreigners. Beachfront apartments start at $ 10,000. And climatic conditions: the sun, the sea, an abundance of fruits and vegetables, the friendliness of local residents make the life of any person who bought an apartment in Hurghada even more interesting and rich.
For any questions regarding the choice of real estate FOR RENT in Hurghada, you can always consult with our specialists who have up-to-date information and will help you make the right choice
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