Before you go looking for a property in Hurghada that will bring you income, you first need to decide on a strategy. For what purposes are you going to buy real estate? What will you do with the apartment in perspective? Sell, making money on the growth of the asset, or rent and receive passive income?
If you sell, then the best option in Hurghada is to buy real estate at the start of sales. At the same time, not all objects have a high potential for growth in price — it is important to choose the location of the apartment, take into account the distance from the sea and the nearest beaches, study the features of the area, infrastructure, and the peculiarity of the residential complex itself. Of course, the developer must be reliable — without disrupted construction deadlines. If you are planning a purchase by installments — there are also nuances here — it is important to check that the installment plan is interest-free. And you cannot sell such an apartment without paying the full price. There are several workarounds for this point. And the specialists of our company will help with the choice of a developer with the possibility of further resale of the apartment.
If you plan to rent out the property after it is completed, it is important to understand how interesting your apartment will be for tenants. The proximity of the sea and the developed infrastructure — shops, clinics, beauty salons and sports centers — directly affect the rental rate. It is also worth considering that the apartment for delivery must be completely ready for living. When calculating an object, immediately consider the cost of finishing, plumbing and furniture. It will also be difficult to find a tenant without a kitchen unit, stove and washing machine. Income from renting a residential apartment is conditionally passive. After all, it is necessary to search for tenants, show the apartment, control the safety of repairs and furniture.
If you choose the option to receive passive income, it is better to immediately choose an apartment in a residential complex with a swimming pool and a private beach. And it is imperative to decide on the management company. The management company fully undertakes the search for tenants, control over the safety of property, financial reporting to the owners of the apartments. The profitability from the delivery of apartments is higher if the management company is engaged in the delivery.
If you follow these tips, you will manage your money wisely and make the right decision. You can do it yourself, or you can contact our company — we will be happy to advise you and select the most profitable option.
For any questions regarding the choice of real estate FOR RENT in Hurghada, you can always consult with our specialists who have up-to-date information and will help you make the right choice
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