Most of the holidays of the modern Egyptian state are determined by the traditions of the Islamic calendar. But some of the festivals belonging to the traditions of the Copts and Ancient Egyptians are also very widely celebrated.
For example, the Spring Festival (or Sham el-Nessim), which is very important for contemporaries, arose according to the legend about the recovery of one of the sons of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh and is annually celebrated on the next day after Coptic Easter. At this time (most often the beginning of April), mass celebrations and festivals are held in many cities. Coptic Christmas on January 7 is also a public holiday and day off.
But the most important holiday in Egypt is Ramadan. It bears its name in honor of the month in which Muslims fast and commemorate the first part of the Quran’s revelation to the Prophet Muhammad. This holiday calls on all people to become more humble and pious, give up bad habits, cleanse their soul and body. While in Egypt at this time, you can face a change in the operating mode of many establishments, since the whole social life is subject to religious traditions. But at the same time, you will get a unique opportunity to plunge into the life of the local population and feel for yourself all the joy that those who worship this holiday experience. Many establishments open only after the first star appears in the evening sky, people take to the streets and have fun until the early morning. However, travel agencies do not stop operating during Ramadan, as this source of income remains the most profitable for the country.
Eid al-Fitr (or Eid al-Fitr) marks the end of the month of Ramadan and is one of the two major holidays in Islam. Lavish celebrations are held everywhere. Believers on this day put on their best clothes and set a magnificent table, wishing each other a blessed holiday («Eid Mubarak»).
Another day, especially beloved by Egyptian children, is the celebration of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad — Mawlid an-Nabi. At this time, stalls decorated with flags with sugar sweets «arusat an-nabi» appear on the streets. The most favorite forms of candy are «Bride of the Prophet» (a girl with a lush paper fan at the back) and a horseman with a saber. Since it is not customary in Islamic tradition to celebrate birthdays magnificently, on this day all believers read excerpts from the Koran, remember the miracles performed by the prophet, and pray.
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