Going on vacation to Egypt? We strongly advise you to take our «tourist’s bible» with you and strictly follow all the commandments. You look, you may find yourself in paradise for a while.
What not to do in Egypt — Commandment 1
Do not spend more than 3-4 hours on the beach in the first days of your holiday.
No matter how banal this rule may seem, it is its non-observance that spoils the vacation for many tourists. Most tourists who come to Egypt for two weeks (it is for this period that most tours are sold) live on the principle of «all at once».
Didn’t have time to check into the hotel — to the beach. There, like seals, they lie under the scorching sun and look when the tan appears. He, of course, will appear, but we are afraid that it will be too late.
What not to do in Egypt — commandment 2
At breakfast / lunch / dinner, the minimum program is “try everything”. In the evenings — tasting of local alcohol. If this is the usual all-inclusive program, then bad Egyptian alcohol is usually poured for free, but this is not important for our tourists. Keyword «free». So the evening is held in a bar, in the format «give me that whiskey, add that rum, and on top a couple of drops of vodka.»
As a result, the next days of rest are accompanied by headaches or indigestion, or diarrhea, or very severe inflammation of the entire skin. Or, if you are a very lucky one, everything taken together will fall on one day.
Therefore, remember: you need to enter the rest smoothly! Let the body get used to: food, climate, drinks, daily routine, finally
What not to do in Egypt — commandment 3
Do not drink tap water or wash fruits with it
We do not want to intimidate impressionable tourists, but we nevertheless consider it our duty to warn: Egypt has a very high incidence of various infectious diseases, in particular hepatitis.
Therefore, never, remember, never drink tap water, never use it in cooking, never wash fruit with it.
But at the same time, not to breathe in the shower, fearing that some droplet would get into the mouth is too much (we know such cases). Just keep that in mind at all times. Drink bottled water.
What not to do in Egypt — commandment 4
Don’t climb a camel near the pyramids
It is certainly worth going to see the Egyptian pyramids, but how much does it cost? And now we are not talking about the actual cost of the excursion itself, but about the budget, which will evaporate under the gaze of the Sphinx.
What can you spend there on — you ask? Camels! And pay as if you were alive, and in the end you only get a photo. Therefore, remember: no rides and photographs on a camel near the pyramids. You can sit on it for free, but to go down, you have to pay and sometimes a lot (again, it depends on your communication skills).
Better go a little to the side, where the camel camps are located, which organize excursions in the desert. Their drivers are much more accommodating: for an adequate price, you can not only take a photo, but also agree on a horse ride.
What not to do in Egypt — commandment 5
Do not buy any souvenirs or things during the first days of your holiday.
Just as the prices of air tickets depend on the price of oil, so the prices for souvenirs in Egypt depend on the degree of your tan. The higher it is, the lower the price — such a correlation is not documented, but empirically.
«Pale tourists» (who have not yet had time to sunbathe) and «red» (who had time to burn on the first day) in 80% of cases will buy any thing more expensive (how much depends on their bargaining ability).
Therefore, in the first days you smoothly enter the rest: swim, sunbathe (in moderation), forget about work, rebuild. You will go for souvenirs on the last days of your vacation.
What not to do in Egypt — commandment 6
DO NOT drink tea with souvenir sellers
To the seller’s suggestion: “listen, come into my store, you don’t need to buy anything, just drink hibiscus and talk” we reply with a polite refusal. After all, at first everything will be so: a nice conversation, starting with the questions «Where are you from» and «What is your name.»
But the further development of events depends on several factors: on the knowledge of English more than these two phrases (both yours and the seller), on your behavior (look at the door and smile intensely or examine the goods), and on the mood of the seller.
Often after a «nice conversation» you are shown what is in the store. It is inconvenient to refuse you: after all, the owner is so hospitable, he gave you tea. And then you got caught. In 70% of cases, after such a tea party, tourists come out with a package of completely unnecessary papyri, hookahs, tubes, aromatic oils, scarves. And all this at a «friendly» speculative price.
What not to do in Egypt — commandment 7
Don’t be fooled by the tales of the miraculous Egyptian Viagra.
One has only to appear to the tourist in the shop of some cunning seller, and also, to smell something of the many spices, and the mechanism spun. The Egyptian seller, as if wound up, flies up and begins his song about a miracle cure that is stronger than Viagra.
The man will immediately be offered some kind of miraculous root, from which he has (here the seller makes a characteristic movement with his hand with a tightly clenched fist). By the sly smile of the Egyptian, the naive tourist thinks that «he knows what he is talking about.»
Then the events unfold like this: “but I’ll take it and try,” the tourist thinks and asks to fill him with roots. Then he thinks: “I’ll take another godfather, I’ll have to give out souvenirs at work, I’ll take it to my boss, and I would have to make a strategic reserve for old age”.
As a result, the tourist leaves the store with full packages of these incomprehensible roots, and then begins to torment everyone with these broths: himself, the godfather, the boss.
It would be superfluous to say that this drug has not been tested, there is no evidence of its effect either. Therefore, in our opinion, Egyptian Viagra is nothing more than cheating tourists.
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